Navigation Instruction

Nevis4 are a provider for the National Navigation Awards we can teach you how to Navigate. Lots of people hillwalk and rely on clear weather and GPS systems, phones or printed routes from websites.

Learn how to Navigate properly using a map and compass so that when the mist comes down or the cloud rolls in, you are confident and know how to find your way to your destination or find your way safely off the hill. Learn how to orientate a map, how to read it, learn about contour lines. How to set the map, use a compass, take a bearing. How not to get lost and if you do get lost, how to relocate yourself and get back to safety.

Use the contact form for details of our next course.

Bronze awards

Next open Bronze award :

26th 27th November. Mugdock and Carron Valley. Cost £130

The Bronze award teaches you how to plan and follow routes in the countryside using paths and tracks. it introduces Mapping, Map orientation, handrailing, timing, pacing, use of grid references, relocation skills and much more.

Silver awards

The Silver award teaches you how to plan and follow routes in the countryside away from paths and tracks. Use of a compass to take a bearing, use a back bearing. Recognise difficult or dangerous terrain. Maintain route finding in poor visibility or darkness and much more. It is a 2 day course.

Next open Silver award:

4th and 5th of August 2024 at Badaguish Cairngorm Cost £140 Please note this course will be delivered as part of our Outdoor Safety Course and will be preceded by a 2 day Outdoor First Aid Course. As such, places for the Navigation course will be limited so please get in touch soon.

Places are also available for the full Outdoor Safety Course and camping is also available at Badaguish

Gold award

Next Gold award Training:

The Gold Award teaches you to Plan and follow routes in any open Countryside, hill or forest environment. It teaches you to use back bearings with accuracy, use aspect of slope as an aid to relocation , select appropriate navigation techniques to use in an overall strategy. Assess the route ahead in terms of difficulty weather time and daylight. Be able to shorten a route and use an escape route and emergency procedures. It is a 2 day course with an assessment day at a later date.